Monday, May 30, 2022

Aurora, the Numen of Aerogenesis

 I'll be honest, I have no idea what a Numen is. Aurora and Mortenebra are both Numens of something. Wikipedia says it's something Latin. 

I play Aurora1 a couple times when I first got the faction, and during the first attempt at the Oblivion campaign and couldn't quite get the hang of her. This never bothered me much before because lots of people said she was the worst caster in Convergence, so maybe I wasn't really missing anything. But now she's one of the best casters, not just in Convergence, but in Mercenaries too. So for that, and for completeness, I'd better paint her up. 

You may have noticed that Convergence doesn't have many faces in it, which may or may not be a reason I chose it. In fact, there are exactly two, one of which is a shared model between two factions. Faces are hard. And take ages. And, at least when I paint them, often turn out looking goofy. So, with all that being said, here's Aurora's.

Aurora1, face

I may have tried to do too much as once here. I wanted her to have darker skin and magneta irises. The skin tone was difficult, and took a lot of mixing, but I think it turned out pretty good. Very dark skin is easier, as is very pale skin. These in-between tones are more difficult to imitate without it looking flat. 

Unfortunately, when I look at her face though, I think of that Dreamworks movie How to Train Your Dragon, because she looks like the dragon in that movie. Whoops.

Aurora, the Numen of Aerogenesis

The effect is much nicer when we zoom out though. Here the North African/Egyptian look comes through much better. The irises were probably a waste of time, it's hard to see them even this close up. The "feathers" on the wings I tried to make look more golden to contrast with the brass, but I don't know if the effect came through or not.

Aurora1, front

She has just a few glowing baubles, but they help to break up the metals a bit. She's supposed to have four distinct and distinguishable metals (copper, brass, gold, and iron) which might be too much.

Aurora1, side

That said, I am happy with how she came out. I'm glad I tried to do an 'Egyptian' look, I think it suits the model better than the studio 'pale girl' that they nearly always do. 

Aurora1, back

And now I've done all of the warcasters I own. There's only one more in the faction (Locke) and I don't know when or if I'll be getting her. Here's a quick group shot of the six together. Despite them never able to be in the same army together, I think they look great as a group. Oh, I probably didn't mention, but I rebased Directrix's servitors.

Convergence of Cyriss warcasters

Monday, May 23, 2022

Axis, the Harmonic Enforcer

 Got another warcaster finished, and he's looking great! If you don't know, this warcaster is actually alive, in a meaty body and everything. He's just in some steampunk magic power armor. And his two hammers are named Action and Reaction.

Axis, the Harmonic Enforcer

I particularly love how the brass came out here. I may have mentioned it before, but it's not easy making brass not look like gold. And I'd probably say it's not easy making gold that doesn't look like brass either. But I think I really go it with him. And like Orion last week, and teal and pink glows really pop.

Axis, front

I'm also looking forward to putting him on the table too, he is a very aggressive caster. He has speed buff and can make my warjacks charge on my opponent's turn. He's always been considered a strong caster, as far as I remember.

Axis, side

Axis, back

No gaming pictures this week, but will hopefully have some next time. Since I've done one living warcaster, I may as well do the other one next.

And here is the list I plan on using him with (as always, feel free to offer any tips):

[Theme] Clockwork Legions

[Axis 1] Axis, the Harmonic Enforcer [+30]
 - Conservator [11]
 - Corollary [0(5)]
 - Diffuser [0(5)]
 - Galvanizer [0(5)]
 - Inverter [14]
 - Inverter [14]
Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [2]
Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [2]
Enigma Foundry [4]
Enigma Foundry [4]
Enigma Foundry [4]
Frustum Locus [4]
Eradicators (max) [13]
 - Transverse Enumerator [3]
Obstructors (max) [11]
Optifex Directive [3]
Perforators (max) [16]

Axis of course gives his five warjacks countercharge, which can be quite a lot of area control but I need to be careful to screen them with the Obstructors so that my opponent can't just run up and engage them, negating their countercharge entirely. With two Inverters and a Conservator with native pathfinder and some extra speed, it should be getting a lot from countercharge. Plus Hand of Vengeance should always be up because of all of the infantry. Then Engimas for a lot recursion. Not sure about the Perforators yet, but a little range can't hurt, same with the Frustrum. I haven't tested this list yet, but I have a game coming up that I can try! 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Eminent Configurator Orion

 I think it's about time for another caster.

This time I wanted another floating stick warcaster. Orion is supposedly really hot right now, especially with a lot of tesselators. So far I've found him to be really good against Hordes because of his feat, similar to how Directrix is really good against Warmachine factions, though both are ranged warcasters.

Here is one of the new bases, with a little modification.

Base for Orion, Micro Art's Industry

And here he is on that base. I'm really happy with him, I think he's one of my best so far with this army. The contrast between the brass, the teal ribbons, and the pink glows really pop.

Orion, back

Eminent Configurator Orion

I thought I'd start including a few shots of actually playing the game too, because I really do play!

Game vs Minions

Here is my list:

[Theme] Destruction Initiative

[Directrix 1] Iron Mother Directrix [+27]
 - Assimilator [14]
 - Cipher [13]
 - Corollary [5]
 - Diffuser [5]
 - Mitigator [6]
 - Monitor [14]
 - Prime Axiom [34]
Accretion Servitors [2]
Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]
Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]
Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]
Attunement Servitors [0(3)]
Elimination Servitors [0(3)]
Elimination Servitors [3]
Optifex Directive [3]
Optifex Directive [3]

Happy to say that this list is fully painted too! I know a lot of people aren't happy with Directrix right now in Convergence, but I really like the buffs she offers to the list and that backlashination threat does have an effect on the opponent. Feel free to give your own thoughts if you have any, I'm open to list criticism.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Vector, servitors, and obstructors

Alright, let's see, where did I leave off...

Ah! With Lucant! Perfect, I have a bit more to show now. First is another tetrapod vector, this time I was smart enough to actually magnetize it for some extra flexibility in game. I'm glad I did too, because even though I mostly wanted a second Inverter, the Monitor has been pretty great in games! True Sight plus the Ricochet shot really makes my opponent keep their distance.




I have to say though, I'm getting tired of always using the same 50mm base, so I started exploring other designs for resin bases that are "close enough". 

Here is a mixture of old and new bases, with a little modification to try to tie them together nicely. Obviously it's for another half dozen Eliminator Servitors for my gimmicky Iron Mother backlashination list. Because why bother have Directrix without 9+ puncture bots? I also ended up painting the servitors themselves, but they're nothing special.

More bases

Another shot of the bases, this time with done servitors

Elimination Servitors

I've had these guys since I got my first set of Convergence minis. Obstructors aren't exactly "good" but they're not the worst single wound infantry in Convergence! And that's something. Don't know what, but.... something.

They can be pretty fun with Lucant, but I think to really capitalize on that you need at least 30 of these, and I'm not going to paint that many. One unit to get toward faction complete is enough for me. 

Obstructors close-up

All ten Obstructors

Unit leader back

Unit leader front

 Alright, I have more to post next week.