Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Father Lucant, Divinity Architect

 I have another warcaster done, which means I'm now up to 3. I'm getting tired of the exact same 50mm base (which doesn't even have room for my model most of the time) so I tried some DIY pipes on an 'industrial' style base. 

Father Lucant, unpainted

I used a spear shaft from one of my pikemen as the small pipe, and a tube used to protect brush tips for the big one. Also, this miniature has probably been one of the most frustrating to put together in the game so far (maybe tied with some Cryx). And even with the 'custom' base, getting the legs fixed into place took hours of pinning. 

Lucant, left

I had to get a little creative in where I put his porcelain mask, but I think it worked out great. The scepter could have been better with some blending, but I'm happy with everything else. 

Lucant, back

I particularly like the brass on him. This is a 6 color brass from top to bottom, and I think it really looks antique. One of the forces I'm fighting is to make sure they don't look gold, and I think I'm pretty close to that line here. 

Lucant, front

The sea green tabard came out nicely too I think. 

I'm really excited to be playing Lucant, he's likely to be my "all-comers" attrition list caster, likely in CWL with recursing heavy infantry. But double Inverters are not unlikely once I get a second one painted. His spell Discontinuity can help against magic too, some Convergence isn't naturally great at dealing with. And Positive Control can turn a vector into a monster. 

Algorithmic Disperion Optifex, front

I also painted up a couple more ADOs for extra channeling and induction range. They also make decent backline flag sitters. The two on the left are newly painted and the one on the right was the test model for the army. 

Algorithmic Disperion Optifex, back

This contrast really shows the drift that the paint scheme has been taking, and I enjoy the comparison. I almost wish I'd left one ADO unpainted so that it could be the last model I paint in the faction to get the full arc.

I think I'm over halfway painted now!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The eye is watching...

 The Diffuser is probably the best classic light vector in Convergence (not counting the Corollary of course). The extra mobility that it can grant in the right circumstance can really extend threat ranges, and the extra focus that isn't needed to charge is welcomed. 

Diffuser, front

Even melee casters like Axis want one, as the Luck ability plus a little boost can usually still get the job done. Iron Mother with Fire Group up makes this little guy threat range 18", to extend other threat ranges. 

Diffuser, side

The studio paint job has that eye as just solid metal, but that is the most boring option here. I went a half step up from that and made it glow, even doing some blending. I also did some more extreme OSL glow with a dusting of white over the blue.

Mitigator and Diffuer

Side by side with the Mitigator, I can see a lot of improvement. The pink is cleaner and the brass looks better shaded too. 

Accretion servitors

I also threw together another group of Accretion servitors for extra cheap shield guards. The one on the left is the first where I'm experimenting with a new base style which will hopefully increase the variety of bases in my army while still looking uniform. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Prime Axiom finished

 I got another couple vectors done, most notably the Prime Axiom!

Prime Axiom, front

The top wasn't as detailed as the bottom, but a lot of flat surfaces to try to give depth to. This thing is as big as my head too. I can't say I'm fully happy with it, I think it's too monochromatic with the yellow brass or grey steel. But I do think it looks good and will be impressive on the table. 

Prime Axiom, back

I've done a few glows now but I really like the exaggerated OSL on this one, I think I'll start upping it more on my next few models too, it makes them look like they're in the night a bit. 

Wreck markers

I also painted up some old wreck markers from the previous editions of the game (they're not used anymore) to use as an objective and two flags. I really like the big one with its 'cartridge' pulled out, revealing some inner workings. No wonder my army would be fighting to recover it!

Inverter, front

I also did a quick paint of my inverter. I rushed it and will probably need to go back and touch it up, and especially hit it with a matte coat. You might notice that I played with Army Painter blood effect on the mace too, I don't know if I like it though. Likely won't be using it again in this army, but we'll see. 

Inverter, back

I have another couple lights on my bench now so those will probably be next. I think I'm actually close to done with my Destruction Initiative models (except more warcasters of course).