Monday, June 13, 2022

Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke

Took a bit of a break, while I waited for Locke to get here in the mail, to completely my Convergence casters. I know Aurora2 exists, but I'm not a fan so I won't be picking her up. Locke on the other hand is a great looking model and was a joy to paint.

Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke

For her Crucible Guard armor, I used the same oxidized copper looking teal that I use for my robes, and the same brass as I normally use on my armor. The effect sort of makes it look like an inverted scheme and it fits really nicely with the rest of the army.

Locke, side view

I also needed to get creative with the materials she has strapped around her. Can't use my normal teal for the cloth for example, that's the armor. And I didn't want a ton of earthy browns either, so her main satchel there is a black leather bag, with some colorful vials of something or another.

Locke, back view

I had painted her with the head off to really get good access to her face, and the armor behind her head. It honestly made the whole model easier and much cleaner, and will be something I try to do more often when the option is there.

Locke, profile

I tried at making her a bit ginger, trying to get a natural looking red hair, eyebrows, and even some freckles.

Locke, face

Definitely turned out to be one of my better faces, I'm glad I didn't bother with the iris color this time. That's a waste of time I think, these models are too small for those extravagances.


Locke with Axis

Finally, just wanted to show her next to Axis to give a sense of how well trying to follow the studio scheme, just slightly shifted, worked out for army cohesion.