Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Iron Mother Directrix and some support models

 Time for a second caster, and she's probably my favorite, especially after the updates earlier this year. 

Convergence of Cyriss Iron Mother Directrix
Iron Mother Directrix, and servitors

I think she's the first model since my test model with the sea green cloth and I still love it. It's a nice cool-tone to match the glows and contrast the warm brass. And the white face really pops on her, maybe more than the other models so far. 

Rules-wise, Directrix is great at a gunline. Privateer giving her Facilitate, letting everybody have her RAT, actually makes her as much of an infantry caster as a battlegroup one now. Unlike Orion who has very little to offer ranged infantry units (like my perforators), she can now get servitors and reductors up a point of RAT all the time and up to 8 on feat turn (perforators would go up to 9 against models with boxes) and give them Reposition 3" to get back out of harm's way. She may even make reductors useful, but I'm not sure of that yet. And her Imperiling servitors cannot be ignored either, remember: Imperil is model/unit not just model, so she can help other completely destroy heavy infantry. Her assassination run is still fun too if you're against a warmachine army (going against Hordes negates two of her spells).

Optifex Directive

I also got some support models painted up. First being two units of Optifex Directives, since I take at least one unit in every list. They're the only units available in Destruction Initiative, and still quite useful in Clockwork Legions too. 

Optifex Directive

Their pathfinder and magic weapons abilities are now RNG 1 instead of base-to-base, so you can position them to have options now, though Repair and Iron Sentinel are still B2B. But being able to give out 6 pathfinders to infantry OR vectors is always worth their cost, and the magic weapons can negate some list gimmicks.

Optifex Directive

I'm not a fan of how I had to lean some to one side or another to get them to fit on the bases. I know better now than to get highly textured bases like this again, they're so rigid in where models can be placed, which is especially a problem with single-piece metal ones like these. 

I got a bit lazier with the cloaks, but I did some blue glass for the eye goggles (they're actually living models, not soul vessels). I'll probably do a colored striped on the back to tell the two units apart. 

Attunement and Accretion Servitors

These are super quick to paint, I think I spent longer on the bases than on the models. I will say though that these clear base stands are a PITA. I wish I'd used metal rods painted black or something instead of have to drill into these on both ends to pin. Oh well. Really like how the attunement servitors in particular turned up though, and they're my favorite of the servitor types. That 3" AOE -2 DEF can be really clutch, it's a shame I have to bring Axiom to get them into a CWL list.  

Convergence of Cyriss Group Photo
Family portrait of recent progress

So here's all the recent progress. I should probably be focusing on either DI or CWL for fully painted, but I'm having fun just painting what I like in whatever order.

1 comment:

warhead01 said...

Fantastic models, nice color choices. Works really well with those bases too. Very well done.