Monday, June 3, 2019

Rounding out my Legion of Steel

Now I have enough pikemen to play the Legion of Steel theme force within Khador reasonably competitively because I finally finished the Iron Fang Pikemen unit I started painting ages ago and had just left unfinished.

And I managed to catch a little bit of sunlight. I like the more popping red of the capes so I went back and brightened up my Black Dragons' capes as well to match. Now all that's left is my Great Bears which won't look like either Iron Fangs or Black Dragons, because I'm thinking about making them Khador red. They are, after all, living legends and should look the part.

I'm also starting to consider my bases. I'm thinking a blue ice using the tutorial posted here. If that is what I do, I may need to order a bunch of bases or potentially try casting them again. I might instead do a simple cork rock deal with some snow.

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