Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Repainted Juggernaut and a little wip

I skipped last week because I was moving. Luckily, all of my minis made it through the move without disassembling themselves. Unluckily, I haven't have a lot of time to paint. I do however have a small backlog of pictures that I haven't done any updates on yet though. First is my Rager:

I hesitate to call it done-done, but it's a solid single done I think. In that second picture I intentionally added my thumb for scale because that 5th border legion logo there is now my smallest freehand of any model I can remember. For reference, here is the official pin of the 5th border legion (which I do not yet own!)

The Rager is not a traditional 5th border legion jack like the Kodiak, but that does bring my up to my next project which was to update some of my Khadoran red jacks to the 5th border legion paint scheme. Here is my Juggernaut before and after photo:
It's hard to see in that picture but I even repainted the shoulders in my first attempt at wet blending, here is a close-up of the result.

 It's not perfect, but it looks great for my first try I think! Blending has always been the barrier I never attempted in painting because it always seemed "too hard" so I avoided it. But I think it could add a lot to my minis, so I'm going to be using it extensively in my next several models to get some practice.

The other model I just started is Kovnik Markov, and he is taking a very long time because it turns out that blending doesn't always work out as easily on a non-smooth, irregularly shaped surface. But here is a WIP of him. Hopefully I can post his finished form by next week.

I'm kind of lucky, kind of not, in that I accidentally dropped him and he shattered into his three main pieces and then discovered he's actually a lot easier to paint this way so I'm leaving him unassembled for the time being.

Still no battle reports, I keep forgetting until halfway through a game. Maybe next week.

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