Thursday, August 15, 2019

Eliminators and end of Journeyman

So I have a few updates since the last post. I finished up Markov to the point that I feel good playing with him, but I won't be showing him off yet until I finish all of the little details, of which there are a lot, and his face. I tried dozens of times to get his eyes right before I just gave up. I'll try again "later".

As you can see, I've also started writing out character names on the base's front arc, largely because of these three, who I can never tell apart.

It's tough but rewarding. I intend to do this definitely for every named character, and possibly giving all my unnamed characters a name as well, from my solos to my grunts.

I also got a unit of Kayazy Eliminators, which were challenging because of how different they were from my heavily armored infantry.

I green stuffed the cobblestone bases because I figured they were technically mercenaries and so should have a more "neutral" base. It'll still have snow on it when I finally do that though.

Now I'm done to my unit of IFP, my battle mechaniks, and Sorscha0 and that'll be the last of my Khador for the foreseeable future. I'll of course continue to play them (especially since they're almost fully painted) but I want a break from them and will be starting up a Convergence of Cyriss army instead. I'll post about them later though.

Hope you enjoy.

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