Monday, July 1, 2019

The whole Cryx army

I was looking through here and realized that I never posted how basing my Cryx went. So, even though I did this years ago, I pulled them all out to take pictures and because my wife wanted to try them out. I tried to do a swamp effect with tall grass and water effect and I think it really ties them all together. They're quite a bit dusty, but I couldn't find my can of compressed air.

So that's the lot. I haven't done any new painting on them besides the basing and I think a few touch-ups on Deneghra, but I figured I ought to show that. I recently picked up some Bane Knights too, which could see some paint before too long.


warhead01 said...

Completely painted collection!
I really like that skull head guy with the pistols. Love the coat.

Shaper Jhae said...

Thanks, that's one of my favorite models that I own. I tried to give him a spectral look, like he's "not all the way there" which worked out really well. I probably couldn't do it again though!