Sunday, September 13, 2009

Inquisitor von Docan (part 1)

I would like to apologize first off for my absence recently but life has been getting in my way (don't you hate it when that happens?). I've had football and school taking up almost all of my time recently. Though I have been able to squeeze a little bit of wargaming in though. I've put a little bit of paint on my Night Goblins, and written up a list for the 'Ard Boyz tournament. And I've also BUILT AN INQUISITOR!!! This is me is extremely exciting because I love inquisitors (hate SoBs and Grey Knights though....).

Now let me start at the beginnning before I confuse myself. Last week I got store credit for winning a league at my LGS, so I had $40 to play with. Naturally I placed an order for a box of CSM (they sold their box the day before) and then I decided to go over and have a look around the Reaper minitures, for fun. Then I saw him. A Chronoscape model on the top rack behind two other blisters was Doc Holiday.

This guy was 5 bucks and so I bought him in a heartbeat. The guy was screaming Inquisitor to me and there's nothing I could have done to resist the temptation. So I took him home and got straight to work on him. After much curses and melodramatic "WHY!!?????!!!!!!!?!?!?!"s to the Emperor I got him finished and here he is (unfortunately I forgot to photograph him before I primed him)

Pretty sweet eh? No? Well he'll look better once you see some paint on him. I've gotten him almost done so I'll just wait and show you the pictures of him fully painted. My only problem is I can't figure out what that thing dangling on his crotch is and how to paint it.... kinda makes me wonder why I put it there (oh yeah to cover up greenstuff work)...

Well let me know what you think and thanks for reading

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