Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The eye is watching...

 The Diffuser is probably the best classic light vector in Convergence (not counting the Corollary of course). The extra mobility that it can grant in the right circumstance can really extend threat ranges, and the extra focus that isn't needed to charge is welcomed. 

Diffuser, front

Even melee casters like Axis want one, as the Luck ability plus a little boost can usually still get the job done. Iron Mother with Fire Group up makes this little guy threat range 18", to extend other threat ranges. 

Diffuser, side

The studio paint job has that eye as just solid metal, but that is the most boring option here. I went a half step up from that and made it glow, even doing some blending. I also did some more extreme OSL glow with a dusting of white over the blue.

Mitigator and Diffuer

Side by side with the Mitigator, I can see a lot of improvement. The pink is cleaner and the brass looks better shaded too. 

Accretion servitors

I also threw together another group of Accretion servitors for extra cheap shield guards. The one on the left is the first where I'm experimenting with a new base style which will hopefully increase the variety of bases in my army while still looking uniform. 

1 comment:

warhead01 said...

I really like those eyes. I've done something similar a fair bit. The color choices really pop!
Looking forward to more.