I have another warcaster done, which means I'm now up to 3. I'm getting tired of the exact same 50mm base (which doesn't even have room for my model most of the time) so I tried some DIY pipes on an 'industrial' style base.
Father Lucant, unpainted |
I used a spear shaft from one of my pikemen as the small pipe, and a tube used to protect brush tips for the big one. Also, this miniature has probably been one of the most frustrating to put together in the game so far (maybe tied with some Cryx). And even with the 'custom' base, getting the legs fixed into place took hours of pinning.
Lucant, left |
I had to get a little creative in where I put his porcelain mask, but I think it worked out great. The scepter could have been better with some blending, but I'm happy with everything else.
Lucant, back |
I particularly like the brass on him. This is a 6 color brass from top to bottom, and I think it really looks antique. One of the forces I'm fighting is to make sure they don't look gold, and I think I'm pretty close to that line here.
Lucant, front |
The sea green tabard came out nicely too I think.
I'm really excited to be playing Lucant, he's likely to be my "all-comers" attrition list caster, likely in CWL with recursing heavy infantry. But double Inverters are not unlikely once I get a second one painted. His spell Discontinuity can help against magic too, some Convergence isn't naturally great at dealing with. And Positive Control can turn a vector into a monster.
I also painted up a couple more ADOs for extra channeling and induction range. They also make decent backline flag sitters. The two on the left are newly painted and the one on the right was the test model for the army.
This contrast really shows the drift that the paint scheme has been taking, and I enjoy the comparison. I almost wish I'd left one ADO unpainted so that it could be the last model I paint in the faction to get the full arc.
Algorithmic Disperion Optifex, front |
I also painted up a couple more ADOs for extra channeling and induction range. They also make decent backline flag sitters. The two on the left are newly painted and the one on the right was the test model for the army.
Algorithmic Disperion Optifex, back |
This contrast really shows the drift that the paint scheme has been taking, and I enjoy the comparison. I almost wish I'd left one ADO unpainted so that it could be the last model I paint in the faction to get the full arc.
I think I'm over halfway painted now!