Thursday, February 12, 2015

Some Warmachine Miniatures

So while I don't play 40k anymore (nor do I play Warmachine for that matter, but at least I have the models) I am enjoying painting my Cryx models for what may or may not end up being an army. I think I'm up to... 30 pts? Maybe 35 pt, I'm not sure. I've gotten a fair bit done (two warcasters, a seether, a slayer, some bonechickens) but I think I'm most happy so far with the Bane Thralls I just finished.

 They're obviously not based, just like the rest of my army isn't, because I'm going to wait until either I start playing with them or when I have a lot of painted models (or more accurately until I decide on how to base them). I don't know if it's very noticeable in the pictures here but the two parts I'm most proud of is the corrosion on the bronze/copper plating and the glowing effects on the axe and eyes. Other than those two, everything else is pretty by the book.

And while I'm posting them I guess I might as well throw up some old pictures of my other miniatures so far in this army.

I've since changed Deneghra though because she looks so bland (just black and green bleh) but I haven't taken pictures since.

Next on my agenda is the Withershadow Combine, which I just got in the mail not too long ago but they're coming along quite nicely I think.

1 comment:

warhead01 said...

I really like these. Your green glow effect looks very good.