Saturday, September 18, 2010

Iron Warriors Demon Prince Conversion

Well guys I'm back from a brief hiatus from posting, which was mostly due to my lack of things to post for a while. I've been mostly involved in sports and school lately and thus haven't had much time for my blog, but this time I'm going to make sure that I start regularly posting, at least once a week if not more.

But back to gaming: Here lately now I've been working on my Iron Warriors (I know I bounce around armies like a kangaroo on crack... I'm trying okay?) and I've actually been making progress! I've painted up a "Deamon Prince," a Dreadnought, a squad of Termies and a regular squad of marines.

I know they're not painted but I still love the conversion

Sorry for those last few being such bad pictures but I just got a new computer and don't have an editing program yet, plus I have a bad camera right now.

Well that's it for now, hopefully I'll have something new for ya next time!

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