I've always wanted a Tyranid army since I was 12 and was first learning about 40k. These desires only were magnified a year later (or so) when I played against my first Tyranid army. I got tabled and lost horribly.... on turn 2.... but then I played again and to keep one unit alive until the end! And I continued to play against this opponent until I was almost drawing a couple games. Sadly we got deployed not long afterwards and has only recently come back. But since I've seen a Tyranid army here, then here for a little bit. It was only recently that I actually started my own Tyranid army with the present of a Tyranid Battle Force set for Christmas this year. I got so excited that I just got right to building and such and bought the codex next time I was at my local game store. In the couple months since I've worked it up to a 1750pt army (which is pretty good when you don't have any time of income).
Let me start by explaining the fluff of my army. After a little research into the Tyranids I found out that before a Tyranid invasion they send out spores that supercharge the plant growth. And if Earth is anything to model other planets by, then about 90% of most planets will be plants anyway. So it doesn't take much to convince somoene that Tyranids eat about 85% plants and 15% other stuff. So why are all these Tyranid armies modeled as though they are only carnivores and only eat other animals? Which is why I have created Hive Fleet Flora!!!
My army is very much in the extremes, all my guys are either extremely shooting (ie my Tyrant) or extremely close-combat oriented (ie my bull-dozing, 250pt point monster fex). I noticed the only way to make these guys better in combat is give them scything talons (or crushing claws in the case of Carnifexes). Unlike most armies, giving them guns doesn't hurt their combat ability. So now you can shoot a million shots and still be just as devastating in combat, so most of my guys have big guns (or small guns in the case of gaunts and rippers... yes I even give my rippers guns). And how would you like being shot at with vicious beetles, and then being pounced by a dump truck sized killing machine? You wouldn't. And neither will be opponent.
With that I'll bring this to a close (mostly because I just got up and can't think clearly) so I don't waste any more of your (or my) time.
Stay tuned and thanks for reading.
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