Monday, August 19, 2019

My Next Faction - Convergence of Cyriss

Like I said in my previous post, I'll be swapping over to painting a different faction in Warmachine for a while, as a change of scenery. I still enjoy Khador and will keep playing them, adding the odd mini here and there but for the most part I'm happy with the collection I have.

So, to begin with, I planned out a palette. 

I thought it would be nice to see the colors beside each other to get a feel of what I think. I may yet change them later but for now I'm happy with the mix of warms and cools. I then chose my bases. For my Khador, I now know it was a mistake to wait to decide on the bases last, so I'll try the opposite and choose them all first. I made a big order of Micro Art Studio's Pipeworks bases, which were recently on sale over at Miniature Market. When I got them in the mail, they looked like this.

Which is pretty good! So I painted one up.

Of the things I've noticed so far is that the "base" area is smaller with these than PP's bases, preferring a large lip. Thus there is less space for the feet of the model to attach to. Not only that, but the flat space in general is scarce because of all of the piping so I'll need to be careful to find the right orientation for the models to be as centered as possible. Overall, I quite like the bases though. The problems above will be mostly solved via pinning the models to them so I'll be getting a lot of work out of my Dremel.

The base done and me happy about it, I started painting up a test model to sit atop it.

I brought the red glow from the grate up to the robes, and the blacklight glow from the coils and eyes downward. I'm thinking I'll be doing both glow effects, hoping it won't get too busy. There is some inversion of the studio painting scheme in which a more steampunk-y bronze is the primary color rather than steel, which is relegated to an accent. I have three different warm metals (bronze, brass, copper) and two cold metals (steel and chromium) so hopefully that'll be enough visual variety for the eye.

Let me know in the comments if you have any C&C, they are welcome. I'm still in the planning stages so now is when it'll be easy to make sweeping changes.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Eliminators and end of Journeyman

So I have a few updates since the last post. I finished up Markov to the point that I feel good playing with him, but I won't be showing him off yet until I finish all of the little details, of which there are a lot, and his face. I tried dozens of times to get his eyes right before I just gave up. I'll try again "later".

As you can see, I've also started writing out character names on the base's front arc, largely because of these three, who I can never tell apart.

It's tough but rewarding. I intend to do this definitely for every named character, and possibly giving all my unnamed characters a name as well, from my solos to my grunts.

I also got a unit of Kayazy Eliminators, which were challenging because of how different they were from my heavily armored infantry.

I green stuffed the cobblestone bases because I figured they were technically mercenaries and so should have a more "neutral" base. It'll still have snow on it when I finally do that though.

Now I'm done to my unit of IFP, my battle mechaniks, and Sorscha0 and that'll be the last of my Khador for the foreseeable future. I'll of course continue to play them (especially since they're almost fully painted) but I want a break from them and will be starting up a Convergence of Cyriss army instead. I'll post about them later though.

Hope you enjoy.