Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tournament today

Well today is a tournament at my LGS for 1500pts. Now I personally have never been good at small games like that. Especially not with Blood Angels. But this list is deffinately different, it includes 3 Devastator squads (oh yes), Corbulo, and a 10man Death Company (as well as my troops: two 5man assault sqauds in rhinos and a 10man jump squad). The list started as my looking at the Devastator entry and thinking... "I wonder how much 3 Dev squads would cost" so I wrote it up and figured what the heck and threw in an HQ and some troops and a 10man Death Company.

I'm not really a big tournament player unless it's at my LGS ususally. I'm not an extremely good player at tournaments either. The best I've done my entire 40k life was last tournament (for 2500pt I believe) in which I took second (the size difference between first and second is mind-boggling here). And that may have been all from dumb luck, as the one before that I came in 35th place, but then it may have something to do with my army that I played.

It was hard for me to actually try to pick an army to play with for the 1500pt tournament. I have a nice little Tyranid army at around that and Tyranids seem to prefer small games as such. But on the other hand my Blood Angels have been good for me in the past. I decided to go with what (in my opinion) was the best choice of the army I know. In a tournament you need to bring an army you know front to back, all their weaknesses and strengths, all their bells and whistles. I have come to the conclusion that in a tournament the best option for an army is to pick the one you're experienced with, if you have access to multiple armies, like most of us that are addicted do.

Wish me good luck, and stay tuned

Shaper Jhae

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