Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Added another Khador warcaster

I've now got a Sorscha and some Winterguard. I really like the Winterguard, but Sorscha came out great too. Very happy with how they both turned out.

I'm doing predominantly white for the important figures to create a visual hierarchy. I plan on basing them eventually in grey and snow. I also touched up the battlegroup some more and they're below. Especially the freehanded Khador symbol on the top of their hull.

Alright that's the full update, like I said last post I haven't had a whole lot of time. But I'm planning on getting a bunch more models here soon. I've also thought about changing the color scheme from the standard Commie Red to a Military Green like here from reddit user u/JustarianCaesar:

I thought these were fantastic and very inspiring, I've since seen others with similar ideas and they honestly look a lot better than the red. I'll think about it.

Until next time,

For the motherland?

Hey hey!

Just a quick update post. I'm in grad school these days and don't have as much time as I'd like to. I also moved up to the Chicagoland suburbs, so if you know of a great place (or at least not terrible) to find some games and good people, leave a comment and I'll stop by.

But miniatures!
I got tired of Cryx for now. I thought about selling them but nobody in Lexington was interested so I've just been holding on to them. What I got instead is some Khador!


Sorry for taking pictures with a potato. So I just have the starter battlebox, and I played a couple games with them before (this was nearly a year ago, but I'm very very slow). I'm pretty excited about them.

I was reading about the various types of armies I could play and I'm thinking I really like the infantry style with some of the Irusks or Sorscha. 

Will post again with updates.